Looking For New Board Members

Join the Hillsdale Community Foundation
The Hillsdale Community Foundation needs new board members. We are a group of volunteers dedicated to building strong community in Hillsdale by organizing and promoting events that bring people together. We welcome your energy and compassion to help make this happen and your fresh ideas for new events that will make Hillsdale even friendlier. Together we create an accessible, inclusive, and beautiful community for everyone.
We stage an annual Book Sale. We’re the umbrella organization for volunteers who tend the landscape along Capitol Highway and pick up litter every month. We’re in the process of commissioning a mural to decorate the plaza (which we were instrumental in building). We act as the fiscal agent for the Hillsdale Assistance Team, and contribute to their work of aiding those who are homeless. We sponsor free concerts at the Josh Kadish Community Stage, which we built in partnership with the Hillsdale Food Park. We’ve run Easter egg hunts and a scavenger hunt. During the pandemic, our “Stand Up Hillsdale” campaign raised over $30,000 for Neighborhood House.
Anyone interested in building community in Hillsdale is welcome to apply to be on our board. We strive to have our board reflect all aspects of our community because we understand the richness and depth diversity brings to our community. We value ideas from adults of all ages and socioeconomic groups, from the BIMPOC and LGBTQ communities, from people whose focus is on children, and from people of different religious beliefs. If you are part of any underrepresented community, we would particularly welcome you. Join us with your ideas and passion for Hillsdale. We look forward to working alongside you to bring those ideas to life.
If you'd like to talk to us, email: info@hillsdalecommunityfoundation.org or fill out a new board member application below.
Board of Directors
Foundation board members are chosen by the board from the community and anyone may apply to be on the board. Terms of service are for three years and, with board approval, can be extended for one more three-year term. By-laws call for a board of no less than nine members. Full terms begin and end in January.
By-laws and member responsibilities can be found below.
2020 - 2023
Dick Hausken, Treasurer
2022 - 2025
Jessica Kaplan, Chair
Leila Ortega, Secretary
2023 - 2026
Shane Hall, Publisher
Emeritus Members
Mike Roach
Rick Seifert
Michael Reunert
Amy Houchen